on 29 Dec 2011...
just 2 day be4 my wife birthday, i go to KB Mall, trying to buy somthing as a present for her...
& as a surprise too...
After a while thinking & wondering around the handphone shop
(at that time still wonder, should i buy a perfume or HP...)
& finally i decide to go after Nokia 500, an entry level smartphone
most of all its look cute & suitable to my wife...
i dont think she will be asking whether it Os is symbian or android coz i know that all doesnt matter to her...
for all i know, for my wife a HP is just for calling and SMS-ing & sometime to take picture & MMS-ing
After paying of a sum around RM600.00 for Zitron model ( the sales guy offering 2 type of nokia 500, AP & Zitron, after considering everything, i opt for Zitron)...
At birhtday day, i wrap its beautifully, & put it on the make up table with a lovely wishing card...
To my surprise ( & of course her too, hehehe ) she just found it b4 sleep (around 11pm)...
No need to telling anything of course that is a hapy nite too her (& me too, he3)
Next day, nokia 500 start work as a new HP for my wife, & SE W508 is giving retirement after all of her had work b4 this...
and the problem also start... nokia 500 work beautifully xcept when make or receive call, the people at others hand cant hear my lovely wife speak...
so at 02 jan 2012, my wife & i go to firstouch KB mall, telling the problem... they ask me to go to nokia centre/care at Kota Mutiara, level 4 floor... and a notice at the closing door "we are moving to nu location near Tesco" (and the nokia dealer at firstouch dont know this)...
and i drive to the new location...
and my wife nokia 500 still at nokia care till today... what a suck... ( for ruining a besday day happiness...)
and i still wonder should i just by an AP nokia 500, or samsung galaxy y (also white & more cheeper) or just a perfume...
But Allah know the best for us, and who am i to query more, im just an humble servant...
12 January 2012
at last...
got a call that i have waiting for...
a call from Nokia Care KB...
at 4 pm that day, the phone is back in my wife possession...
i have to admit, Nokia care really do a good job... they replacing the microphone, the warranty sticker and the hp also got a new imei...
nape deme tulih kot bahasa omputih..puas kas translate guna pok cik google, baru tahu menda yg deme nk sampaikan...hehe
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